The "Must Have" Survival Item For Every Outdoor Adventurer!

Enter your email below and press continue to secure your FREE 20 PIECE SURVIVAL KIT!

Don't miss out, click the button below to claim your FREE 20 Piece Survival Kit!

Enter your email below and press continue to secure your FREE Q5 TACLITE™!

"A Lifesaving Product..."
If you're going to carry any item on an outdoor adventure, it needs to be this lightweight, compact 20 piece survival kit. You can't just pack any survival kit!
Your emergency survival kit needs to be small enough to easily carry without weighing you down. Sure you could pack an a huge back with absolutely everything you think you need, but not long into your trip you will wish you had this compact kit.
Inside our survival kit we've packed ONLY the absolute essentials. That means our kit is small enough to clip onto the outside of your bag (for easy access), yet has all the gear you need to get through a disaster alive!
If you want a FREE Survival Kit you've got to jump on this offer fast and get your right now because we only have 500 of these to give away! So check availability now to claim yours!
Why Are We Doing This? |
We're giving away these 20 piece Outdoor Survival Kits as part of our National Survival Awareness Campaign. Our goal is to educate and inform American families and provide them with the tactics to survive natural disasters and terrorist attacks plus improve self defense and wilderness skills. Click the button below to check if the free Survival Kit offer is still available!

Enter your email below and press continue to secure your FREE Q5 TACLITE™!