When you start to learn a little about survival, you’ll be surprised at just how many real-life situations where people were able to survive with nothing.…
When you start to learn a little about survival, you’ll be surprised at just how many real-life situations where people were able to survive with nothing.…
When I was a kid one of my favorite things to do was to go “flipping rocks” in the steam to see what lurked underneath. More…
When the SHTF the decisions you make will ultimately determine whether you live or die. One wrong choice, and suddenly your life is on the line.…
I’ve been working on my survival stockpile for years. Slowly adding a tin of food here, some extra supplies there. It’s at the point now where…
You never know when a situation will go from bad to worse. Late last year I spent the better part of a week at the hospital…
Getting lost is a frightening experience. I’m grateful that I’ve never had the misfortune to be stranded in the wild unintentionally, but I’ve done my fair…
People are bad. Ok, that may be a little strong, but in a crisis it’s a good point to remember. You can’t trust the general public.…
I’m a big fan of doomsday movies. There’s nothing better than kicking back with a bag of popcorn and watching a group try to survive hordes…
When the power goes out during a winter storm it’s no big deal. Unless it never comes back on. Facing bitter cold nights without a way…
I’m a big fan of small-game hunting. It’s how my dad taught me to use a rifle, as we spent many a day trawling the woods…