
As the weather warms up it has everyone thinking about how to keep their temperatures down, and considering this is now our fourth summer without using…

The first thing you’ll notice when the power goes out, is just how quiet everything is. Especially in the city, where there’s almost a constant “buzz”…

When we were still in the “dreaming” phase of our homestead, I’m not too proud to admit just how many things we got wrong with the…

There’s a beauty of having a bit of land, but smart survivalists are those who can make the most with the resources they have, to ensure…

If you’ve never thought about it before, or tried to measure just how much trash your family produces, trust me, you’re going to get a real…

If you’ve been gardening for a while this should come as no surprise. But for those who are new to this lifestyle or haven’t really put…

If you’ve done any reading on underground bunkers, you’ll have seen that shipping containers come up a lot. And I’m talking a lot. But the real…

When the SHTF, all plans go out the window. It’s a phrase you’ll hear again and again in survivalist circles, because it’s just so true. We…

Most people will spend just under a third of their life at the office, which is an insane amount of time if you really think about…

One of the single most annoying plagues to your homestead, are the rats and mice who always seem to find a way into your supplies. Small…

Now it’s all well and good to invest in the big-ticket prepping items like a generator, bug out vehicles and the rest, but there’s one neat…

Despite the winter cold really drawing out, spring will be here before we know it and there’s many things you can start doing now for your…

When the SHTF even the best-made plans will go out the window. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve theorized, how much you’ve imagined what you’d do…

You and I both know that the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel is still a way off, and despite the fact the markets…

On a bet last year with an old army buddy, we had a standoff to see who could hold out and “go vegan” the longest. I…

To this day I still call it a diary after my daughter teased me about it, but to me, keeping a log – or a journal…

If there’s anything we’ve learnt this year when it comes to surviving a pandemic, it’s that sanitation needs to be top of the list. But you…

When the stores were stripped bare and it was impossible to buy disinfectant at the height of the pandemic, many people weren’t aware there was a…

When we first moved to our homestead it took the better part of a year to get ourselves completely off the grid. There was so much…

I know alcohol features heavily in my survival stockpile, and I’m hoping you’ve already come to a similar conclusion for yours. It’s a well-sought-after consumable that…

From lightning strikes to a nuke being set off in the atmosphere, we’ve become so reliant on technology that it’s frightening to think what would happen…

With riots all over the country and tensions that have never been higher, one particular project I had been neglecting in our new home was the…

I see my food supply as an investment, one that will ensure my family is fed, full and happy no matter what else is going on…

If you believe the banks have your best interests at heart, I’ve got an investment proposal I’d like you to hear. Oh come on, of course…

When you start learning about long-term food storage, you’ll inevitable hear about MRE’s. They’re a staple in the survival community, and for good reason. MRE’s are…

I count my blessings every day for the sheer amount of space we have on our homestead, after living in the city and battling traffic and…

When I first started gardening I didn’t really put a lot of thought into it. I’d get out when the mood hit me over a weekend…

It was only a matter of time. As the lockdowns lift, the tensions that have been building for generations, simmering just below the surface are unleashed…

If you’ve not yet seen the writing on the walls you may be in for a shock. No matter how much money the Fed prints, there’s…

I’m a big fan of old books, and as anyone who has ever been to my house will happily attest to, there are volumes and volumes…

When people ask me about the biggest threat we face, they’re always expecting me to go on about the latest pandemic, a catastrophic event, or some…

In a crisis when you need to evacuate fast, your car is going to be your best means of transportation. But ensuring it’s up to the…

When I was living in the city it was impossible to have a dog. We always had pets at home growing up, but the cramped quarters…

There’s been a whole heap of talk about Trump’s Wall, but I see walls playing another important role in our family’s survival, a little closer to…

By now I’m sure you’ve seen it plastered all over the news, and it presents a rather frightening new reality. The coronavirus, also called the 2019-nCoV,…

I used to think prepping with my entire family was tough, and since I started I’ve been blessed to bring a couple of trusted families into…

I grew up in a small country town, but after graduation I had to move to the city for work. I spent the better part of…

If you’re ever forced out of your home, you’re going to want an alternative plan. Somewhere you can run to, to hide, hunker down, and survive…

I was a kid when I first started sailing, but it was only recently that I’ve decided to add a boat to my bug out planning.…

I’m notorious for being a hard on the machinery on our homestead, and I’ve lost count of the small little mishaps, minor and major accidents I’ve…

When it comes to being prepared, there’s one potential pitfall you need to be very careful to avoid. That’s all the other people in the world,…

Over the last year we’ve built our survival stockpile to almost 18 months’ worth of food, supplies and gear, to ensure we can withstand whatever comes.…

In addition to having the title of “man’s best friend” there’s many good reasons to add a dog into your survival plans. They’ve got a host…

I’ve always been a big fan of honey. Slathered on some hot toast or over a pile of buttery waffles it’s one of my favorite ways…

Keeping the lights on when the grid goes down is a step central to nearly every survivalist strategy I’ve ever come across. We rely on power…

There’s no doubt a cellar is one of the perfect locations to store your stockpile of supplies. It’s a large, probably already empty space, that’s highly…

Once the supermarkets are stripped bare, you’re running on a clock. There’s only so much time until everything you’ve stockpiled is gone. That is, of course,…

When people get hungry, they will eat just about anything. And I mean anything. You need calories to keep your body running, they give you the…

Having hidden caches of supplies could very well make all the difference when the SHTF. Perhaps you’ve been unable to make it home and you need…

We’ve had chickens for as long as I can remember, a small flock producing a steady supply of eggs that are more than enough for our…

When you start talking renewable energy, people always think of solar power. Yes, there’s solar powered cars and planes, but there’s another natural resource that’s just…

With the days warming up its quickly becoming my favorite time of year. Spring. Not only does it mean it’ll soon be warm enough to actually…

Water is an essential element for any successful homesteader, as you need it for everything from drinking, to cooking, bathing and of course, cleaning the rest…

I don’t know about you, but I’ve invested quite a bit of money into my survival planning and preparation over the years. From tins of food…

When the grid goes down you’re going to be glad you have a solar oven in your stockpile. Not only does it allow you to cook…

Living on a homestead is a lifestyle choice I’ll never regret making, but each year when the snow starts to fall I always get a brief…

I’ve been working on my survival stockpile for years. Slowly adding a tin of food here, some extra supplies there. It’s at the point now where…

I’m a big fan of doomsday movies. There’s nothing better than kicking back with a bag of popcorn and watching a group try to survive hordes…

With winter soon to hit in full swing, it’s important you start getting on top of all those jobs you’ve been putting off all summer. This…

I’m a big fan of gardening, and I think it’s critical every survivalist have their own garden. There’s a certain element of serenity to working with…

A ready supply of water is vital for anyone planning ahead for a crisis. Not only do you need to drink several glasses a day to…

I’m a big fan of shipping containers. They’re sturdy, available second-hand for just a few thousand dollars, and are much easier solution for shelter than anything…

Buying a home is a rather big investment, and the same goes when you’re looking for a piece of land for the perfect bug out. It’s…

I don’t have to tell you that this lifestyle is expensive. You’re probably already putting a massive chunk of your weekly paycheck onto your day-to-day living…

Bartering is a dying art. These days we’ve all got a wallet full of cash, plastic cards that allow us to make purchases, and stores that…

It’s not easy being a survivalist. You’re often misunderstood, or branded “that crazy friend” in your group. The people around you make it hard to fit…

When I moved onto our homestead and started separating all the paper from the trash, I was a little shocked. The newspaper and the pile of…

Growing my own food is one of my top priorities as a survivalist. There’s only so long your stockpile will last, so it’s important you’ve got…

There’s one rule I live by. And it’s a simple one. “Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.” You never know when a disaster will strike.…

In a recent session with our students, we asked a simple question that was rather eye-opening. “When did you last test your SHTF plan?” For many,…

I’m a big supporter of the Second Amendment, and I’ve got what I like to think is a respectful collection of different firearms in my home.…

There’s been a CB radio in my truck for as long as I could remember. Not only does it allow my friends and I to stay…

It’s a sad fact that schools in the United States aren’t up to scratch. They’ve been in a general decline for years, and the ever-increasing risk…

In my survival stockpile what I’m most concerned about is food. See, I love eating. And our family eats well. We get plenty of fresh greens…

It often feels like every person you talk to has their own idea about how to prepare for the upcoming “doomsday.” And if you listen to…

A small boat isn’t going to do you much good during a hurricane or a large storm but having a kayak in your preps is a…

The one truth I can guarantee when the SHTF is that you’re going to be hungry. There simply won’t be enough food to go around. Now…

Without a proper security system installed in your home, the chances you’ll be burglarized increases three-fold. But just sticking up a bunch of cameras isn’t going…

Living off-grid is a pretty massive lifestyle change. And there’s very few people who actually choose this life for themselves, because of the challenges you need…

One of the biggest misconceptions about being a survivalist is that your entire life needs to revolve around prepping. It can certainly feel like it at…

I’ve been working hard to make life on our homestead as sustainable as possible, and we’ve been stuck inside the last week because of a rather…

I’m not a big believer in banks. I do have a safe deposit box, but it irks me to no end that I’m only able to…

When I first told my wife about my plan to relocate our family “off-the-grid,” she wasn’t particularly impressed. Speaking about it later, it was because she…

If you want to be able to rely on your firearms no matter what, you’ve got to ensure to keep them clean and well-maintained. But you…

When a disaster hits, you’re probably going to be fine. With a little planning that is, because you’re safe, and hunkered down in your home. But…

As two big storms pass and we’re now left to clean up the aftermath, I think it’s the perfect time for this article. You see, may survivalists…

I love the outdoors almost as much as I love survival, and it crosses over to every aspect of my life. I’ve chosen to live in…

Sometimes I feel like being a good survivalist is all about waiting. We rush through “getting prepared” so quickly that once we’re pretty much organized all…

Preparing for a zombie apocalypse is a whole lot of fun, but if you’re actually interested in survival there’s a few smaller-scale disasters you should consider.…

A friend’s just come back from a training exercise with a troop of his country’s armed forces, and one of their situations was to survive for…

When the SHTF you can only imagine how stressful it’s going to be. Finding safe food and water to drink, along with keeping a roof over…

Bees are a great addition to your homestead. Not only are they already under threat and dying by the millions, scientists predict that if the bee…

It’s starting to get a little alarming. Wherever we go we’re being recorded, whether on someone’s live-stream or on one of the security cameras positioned above…

After tearing the front bumper off my car and reattaching it somewhat enough to make it home at 16, I’ve always been thankful my dad thought…

It’s the last thing on your mind as spring rolls around, right? The days are getting longer and warmer, and the chill of the last winter…

In a survival situation, water is critical. Without it, you’ll last maybe a few days, before dehydration kicks in and you kick the bucket. This is…

Last Halloween there was a guy walking around my neighborhood in a full ghillie suit. It was incredible. He inspired me to do the same, so…

It’s just common sense that you’ve got basic medical supplies in your survival stash, but not too many people explain the why. Speaking from experience, you’re…

It seems like there’s been just one disaster after another these last few years. Hurricanes. Floods. Tornadoes. Fire. But they’ve all got a scary thing in…

Living a prepared life isn’t just something you do on the side. It’s a lifestyle choice we’ve decided to live. When you start to look at…

Power definitely makes life easy. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to run your RV on your next vacation or keeping a backup just-in-case your solar…

One of the key skills every survivalist needs to know is how to distill. In particular, distilling alcohol can come in handy during a SHTF situation…

Living off the grid is incredible. I’ve spent the better part of the last decade preparing my own bug out location, which seems to always be…

It’s a sad fact that more and more patriots are coming home and discovering burglars have broken into their homes, and their most valuable and precious…

Not all of us have been prepping for years. Today, we’re going to cover a subject a number of our readers have asked about, namely, how…

Getting your prepping supplies in order doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg. One of my favorite things to do when I’m in the…

People have been making and drinking alcohol for thousands of years. The Ancient Egyptians made beer, and the Ancient Greeks used to party with a healthy…

Considering a major lifestyle change? Awesome. No really. There’s nothing more fulfilling than being able to live off the back of your own hard work. My…

My garden is one of my proudest accomplishments, and I take pride in keeping it clean and productive so it produces a wide variety of fruits,…

One of the biggest international decisions in recent weeks has been the Brexit. For anyone (like me) who may have been living under a rock, the…

Now I don’t know about you, but if you’re anything like me you believe in playing your part to keep the environment healthy. I want my…

It doesn’t matter if you’re preparing for the end of days, or just wanting to be more self sufficient. There’s always something you can learn, even…

I don’t know about you, but there’s a certain element of wonder when I consider going totally off-grid. The drama non-withstanding, shows like Alaskan Bush People…

When you last went on holidays, did you get the sinking feeling you had forgotten something? OR how about when you arrive, and *facepalm* yourself because…

In a crisis clean drinking water will be the most valuable commodity. Without it, you’re not going to be able to stay alive for more than…