Survival Skills

One thought that’s often playing through my head is an inevitable one. What happens, when you decide to bug out and yet you find that your…

There’s no question that in the aftermath of a crisis, everyone will be on edge. It’s almost a tension in the air, as you don’t know…

Self-reliance is a big deal on our homestead, when it takes weeks and hundreds of dollars to hire a contractor to come fix even the simplest…

I’ve gotten used to getting wet when I’m in the wild. It’s an inevitability if you spend any amount of time outside. Because, well, rain happens.…

If you’ve not got a whole lot of experience in the wild, you’re going to struggle when a SHTF event has you living off the land.…

Want to know your biggest problem when you’re lost in the wild? It’s not the animals, or the lack of food. Exposure is a killer, especially…

It was only recently I had my wisdom teeth removed. It was something I was putting off for the longest time, and a procedure that surprisingly…

When it comes to brewing up a batch of alcohol, there’s nothing better to make than mead, which many historians believe was the first ever fermented…

If you’re living off the land, you need to be very careful what you put into your mouth. Perhaps you’ve got held up with your bug…

Winter is my favorite season. I can wear jeans and a hoodie as much as I like, the crisp morning air is incredibly refreshing, and I…

If you’ve ever felt the crush from a large crowd of people you know exactly what I’m talking about. Concerts, demonstrations, and even large-scale protests have…

When you’re about to start training your new puppy for their first hunt, it’s an exciting time. I’ve had so many adventures with my furry companions…

It wasn’t always that we had a nice bit of land out in the sticks to call our own, for years we were cooped up in…

If you’re looking for a quiet weapon that allows you to reliably bring in small game, opting to add a slingshot to your bug out kit…

With winter approaching fast, one particular element of survival that’s critical to master is building a fire. A campfire will keep you warm on any nights…

As much as I hate to admit it to all of you, I have to be honest – I’ve been lost in the woods on a…

I watched a zombie movie over the weekend, and as their world plunged into chaos there was one element that I thought they did well. That…

If you’re anything like me, you’ve got a similar tendency to overthink pretty much everything. Especially when you start doing any sort of research into the…

If you’ve not seen the John Wick movies, all three are worth a binge. I’m a big fan of Keanu Reeves, from his earliest flicks he’s…

Over the weekend I watched the Scout’s Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, and while it was a bit of a tongue-in-cheek horror film, it got me…

When you start hiking deeper and deeper into the backcountry, your chances of getting lost increase dramatically. But getting lost doesn’t mean it’s time to panic,…

With the looming recession and record numbers of Americans filing for unemployment it’s inevitable there will be a rise in petty crimes. People who are out…

In a survival situation, a case of the runs can be disastrous. Not only is it uncomfortable with the pains and cramps in your stomach, you’re…

As I look back on the last couple of months spent in lockdown, I’m surprised at just how much we were able to achieve, even while…

As more and more people are infected, mandatory quarantine has quickly become the new normal to combat the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. But it does…

I’m a big fan of healthy living, and while I’ll happily go see the doctor when me or my family is sick, I’d much rather boost…

For anyone wanting to gain the upper hand in a fight, pepper spray is an ideal solution. In one tiny spray canister is enough power to…

I’m all for using technology to be better prepared, but the current situation that’s hitting customers of the Amazon Ring is rather disturbing. There’s no question…

It’s been years since we were really ever worried about bombs falling from the sky, but that doesn’t mean the threat has gone. There’re nations out…

It’s been a pretty newsworthy topic in recent months, but the latest coronavirus pandemic has raised an all-important question. How to protect yourself from a viral…

When your family is going hungry and you’ve no other options, it’s your job to put food on the table. Hopefully, you’ve planned ahead and have…

This last week I had a close encounter of my own, where the ice we were fishing on cracked through as we made our way home…

One thing’s for sure, in a long-term disaster scenario, ammunition is going to be at a premium, for both hunting and self-protection. Plus, you may not…

Watch any disaster on the news and you’re going to see sandbags. They’ll help keep rising waters at bay, protect your home from flash flooding and…

Without water, you’ve got around three days to live. In a crisis, having access to a clean water supply is fundamental to survival, because not just…

When the grid goes down the biggest challenge your family is going to face, will be food. Unless you’ve got acres of land packed full of…

No matter what’s happening in the world, there’s an economy behind it. In a short-term crisis, cash is still going to hold real value. People will…

I’m a big fan of learning useful techniques before the SHTF, and lock picking is right up there on the list. Despite the (justifiable) negative connection…

Without a source of light, we’re are at a massive disadvantage once night falls, because our night vision is pretty terrible. We can hardly see in…

I’m a big fan of camping, and the great outdoors, but I also like my sleep. Over the years I’ve figured out how to ensure I…

When the SHTF you’re going to need a ride, but relying on your own wheels alone is far too risky. Your car may break down or…

We’ve been on our homestead for several years now, and in that time, I’ve seen many close friends and neighbors start to struggle as they get…

If there’s one place on earth you never want to be stranded it’s a desert. Perhaps your car broke down on the middle of an arid…

Getting stranded in the desert is no joke, and if you’ve got no idea how to stand the heat, there’s a very good chance that your…

Despite having an instant connection to almost the entire collective knowledge of the human race, far too many people lack practical skills that will help them…

If you spend any amount of time in the wild, traipsing around trails and campsites you already know snake bites are a legitimate concern. Removed from…

There’s more to roughing it under the stars than surviving off MRE’s or the fish you were hoping to catch, and I’d like to share with…

There’s no doubt that being a survivalist is tough. There’s so many things you need to consider, plan for, with contingencies in place, your attention is…

There’s something completely primal about the force Mother Nature can wreak on a community, and with storm season coming in full swing, I thought it timely…

There’s no point to own a handgun if you’re not confident and comfortable using it, and it’s a smart idea to level up your self-defensive skills…

Rain is a massive downer when you’re in the outdoors, especially when it just won’t stop. It’s almost relentless, and with time, you’re wet. Your gear…

There’s just something that’s so comforting to be able to turn on the lights with a flick of a switch. Whether it’s the flashlight in your…

God forbid I ever run out of ammunition, but in a crisis event you never really know what could happen. It was about 2 years ago…

When the SHTF one of your most valuable assets is going to be your car, that is, as long as you can keep it running. Because…

When you start to learn a little about survival, you’ll be surprised at just how many real-life situations where people were able to survive with nothing.…

When I was a kid one of my favorite things to do was to go “flipping rocks” in the steam to see what lurked underneath. More…

When the SHTF the decisions you make will ultimately determine whether you live or die. One wrong choice, and suddenly your life is on the line.…

Getting lost is a frightening experience. I’m grateful that I’ve never had the misfortune to be stranded in the wild unintentionally, but I’ve done my fair…

People are bad. Ok, that may be a little strong, but in a crisis it’s a good point to remember. You can’t trust the general public.…

When the power goes out during a winter storm it’s no big deal. Unless it never comes back on. Facing bitter cold nights without a way…

I’m a big fan of small-game hunting. It’s how my dad taught me to use a rifle, as we spent many a day trawling the woods…

Bugging out is a core element of nearly every survivalist’s bug out plans. It seems almost everyone has the plans to head up to the country,…

I’m not going to lie. When I’m in a new city, or exploring a part of town I don’t know my way around, I’ve become a…

No matter how much you plan, the risk is always there. You don’t have enough food to go around. Eventually it will run out, because you’ve…

When I was a kid I loved going camping. But my mother would always complain about the state of the shower when I returned home. Scrubbing…

If you’ve ever spent any time in the wild with an empty stomach, you know how important it is to be able to catch your own…

There’s something magical about hiking deep in the wild. You’ve been wandering down a trail, perhaps so far from civilization you’ve barely seen another person, and…

Getting laid off sucks. It’s happened to me. It’s happened to my friends. Suddenly you’re thrown head-first into your own personal financial crisis. You don’t know…

Running out of gas is a disaster. You’re stranded, stuck on the side of the road with a car that refuses to go any further. But…

Starvation is a real risk you face once the SHTF. I don’t care how many books you’ve read or video’s you’ve watched. In the aftermath of…

Fishing can go one of either two ways. You either catch far too much for a single meal, or you spend the afternoon watching the stream…

If I’ve said it before I’ll say it again. To successfully “bug out” you need more than the gear in your kit. Sure, it’s going to…

I’m a big fan of law and order, but if you think the government is going to have your best interests at heart when a crisis…

One thing that frightens me about an EMP blast is that we already have the technology to do it. The only thing stopping a concentrated strike…

There’s nothing I love more than summer. It’s the perfect weather to get out and explore new campsites, hike trails that I’ve been over my whole…

This is a worst-case scenario. You’ve bugged out, as a major crisis took down the city you call home. You’re on the way to your bug…

Imagine this scenario. You’re in the middle of the woods and there’s an accident. A bad one. Perhaps you startled a bear and one of your…

Bugging out is definitely a last resort. You’re leaving the comfort of your home, along with all of your supplies, and heading to another location. You…

Becoming a dad was one of the greatest things in the world, however it has meant a few changes to my survival planning. Because I’ve now…

If you want to survive, you need water. Second only to exposure from the elements, without water, you’re going to be in bad shape in just…

I’ve been hunting since I was about eight, under the close supervision of my dad and uncle, learning to shoot a .22 rifle to eliminate the…

When you’re on your feet all day, blisters are the worst thing that could happen. It doesn’t matter if you’re on a training run up the…

A few winter’s back I built my first greenhouse, and it’s one of the best moves our family has made towards self-sustainability. But it wasn’t the…

When it comes to survival planning, you need a solution for every possible scenario, and ensuring you’ve prepared for your elderly relatives is rather important. The…

Without water, your chances of survival in the wild reduce dramatically. Dehydration can start kicking in within a few hours, and after a few days you’ll…

I’m a big fan of dogs. We’ve got two in our family. However, there’s one threat I want to cover in today’s article, and that’s how…

I don’t need to tell you that the world is no longer safe. You can see it for yourself every time you switch on the evening…

I struggled with English most of my life. Learning a second language seemed both like an impractical use of my time, and something I put in…

When the SHTF it’s understandable you’re going to be on high alert. The world will be in shambles, and not only will you have to worry…

Power is a commodity we rely far too much on. When the grid’s down and our heaters no longer work, you need to be prepared if…

One thing that you always pass in the corridors of your office, or even in the halls at school is the fire extinguisher. They’re always there,…

I’ve spent a disproportionately large amount of time in the outdoors. My parents loved camping, and some of my fondest memories are stomping through national parks…

Each year, millions of Americans venture out into the wild to go hunting. It’s what our ancestors did to survive, and it’s what we’ll need to…

One of my core beliefs when it comes to survival is the importance of skills. It’s not what you have, but what you know. The more…

I’ve been bitten by all sorts of creepy crawlies. Spiders. Ants. Bees. Wasps. Even a scorpion once. None of this was very fun, but it goes…

The average person goes to the gym just a handful of times a year. Maybe right around beach season you’re frantically trying to get in shape,…

After a disaster, the last thing you want to do is stand out. Because you’ll look like a target, and that’s going to draw all the…

It’s inevitable that you’re going to live through some form of disaster in your life. And for the most part, most people are going to survive…

As a survivalist there’s always more that we could do. Even with the best laid plans I truly believe that if the SHTF tomorrow, there’d be…

It sounds romantic until you start digging into the details, but if you ever find yourself stuck on a deserted island you’re in big trouble. Perhaps…

I’ve been a survivalist for far longer than I’ve been a dad, and one of the most important lessons I want to teach my kids is…

Over the weekend I was with the team at Patriot Liberation and we got talking about the end of the world. Not an uncommon topic for…

Things will always go wrong. It’s a mantra we have because it certainly does feel this way when we’re on the homestead, there’s a mountain of…

Now I make it a point to always carry fishing gear when I’m headed off into the wilderness, but recently I wanted to test myself. See,…

If you’re spending any amount of time outside during cold weather, hypothermia is a real threat. The result of a drop in your body’s core temperature…

Now as I spend the majority of my time each week at my desk, in front of my computer, I understand just how easy it can…

Growing up in the country, I’ve been driving cars since I could see over the steering wheel. Being our family property, the majority of this driving…

Getting injured is a fact of life. Especially in a disaster scenario, where you may find yourself stumbling around without power, fighting through debris and rubble,…

It’s a little scary isn’t it? The internet has become a dangerous place, as malware, viruses, and phishing scams are becoming increasingly popular, and we hear…

What would you do if you found yourself being restrained, against your will? It’s not really a topic that we usually bring up around the dinner…

When you’re living in the tropics, hypothermia probably isn’t a huge concern. However, if you’re like most citizens in the world, you’re going to be somewhere…

We’ve all been there. Out camping in the woods and that snowstorm due next week turns up far quicker than expected. If you’re not prepared, you’re…

I saw a great bumper sticker this morning, “Life happens” It got me thinking as I drove in to the office. No one in their right…

When we got out wood stove installed in our homestead I was over the moon. I had fond memories of my childhood with my family around…

Our whole country is in a state of crisis. In the wake of the presidential elections, and the riots that have broken out all over the…

I’ve had dogs all my life. It’s one of the benefits of growing up in a semi-rural area, that there was always a couple around on…

The idea of munching down on bugs bunny hasn’t ever bothered me. I was brought up in a rather rural area, and spent a lot of…

If you’re into homesteading, I’m sure you’ve heard of smoking. Back in the day, before everyone was connected to the power grid and every home had…

It’s the dream right? Spend your days relaxing in your homestead, living off the land and not relying on the grid, the authorities, or anyone else…

Remember the fire drills they used to make you do in school? At the time it was great fun, as you got to miss a bit…

Scavenging. To me it sounds an awful lot like stealing, and I’ve done as much as I possibly can to prepare and ensure I’ve got the…

Getting lost can happen to the best of us. I make it an effort to go hiking at least once a month, and I’ve got pretty…

The first survival group I joined was a mess. My own survival stockpile was an odd assortment of things I had picked up at yard sales,…

The desert is a beautiful place. But the picturesque and beautiful scenery hides the true danger of the dry, arid landscapes. In addition to the lack…

Have you ever had the feeling you were being followed? Perhaps there was a reason for it. Maybe there was someone back there tailing your movements.…

One of my biggest concerns when preparing for a disaster is how I’m going to keep my family safe. But who’s to know when a disaster…

A fire can quickly destroy everything you hold dear. Even if you manage to get your family to safety, your memories along with all of your…

When it comes to a disaster, there’s nothing scarier to me than having a crisis hit a large city. The lack of space and crush of…

Foraging is one of the oldest skills you can learn, and can be a life-saver should you ever find yourself in a survival situation once the…

You can survive a month without food, but just a few days without water will be the end of you. In a disaster, the pollution or…

Avoiding a riot is just good common sense. Perhaps there’s people out campaigning for their rights, or it’s already descended into chaos as looters satisfy their…

When I think about survival, one of my favorite quotes comes from Mahatma Gandhi. “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable…

Being a bit of a nature lover, I’ve always had a thing for camping. Heading out with my pack and going completely off the grid is…

Water is one of the most dangerous elements, and when coupled with a storm or other natural disaster it can be almost impossible to stop. If…

One of the most important pieces of gear for a survivalist is a good set of boots. Imagine this. You’re bugging out and your car breaks…

Adding a scope to your rifle can greatly increase your accuracy, but you’re going to struggle if you don’t get it setup right from the start.…

Keeping your bug-out-bag updated to reflect the seasons is critical, because if you find yourself bugging out during fall or in the middle of winter, you’re…