I’m a big supporter of the Second Amendment, and I’ve got what I like to think is a respectful collection of different firearms in my home.…
I’m a big supporter of the Second Amendment, and I’ve got what I like to think is a respectful collection of different firearms in my home.…
There’s been a CB radio in my truck for as long as I could remember. Not only does it allow my friends and I to stay…
It’s a sad fact that schools in the United States aren’t up to scratch. They’ve been in a general decline for years, and the ever-increasing risk…
In my survival stockpile what I’m most concerned about is food. See, I love eating. And our family eats well. We get plenty of fresh greens…
It often feels like every person you talk to has their own idea about how to prepare for the upcoming “doomsday.” And if you listen to…
A small boat isn’t going to do you much good during a hurricane or a large storm but having a kayak in your preps is a…
The one truth I can guarantee when the SHTF is that you’re going to be hungry. There simply won’t be enough food to go around. Now…
Without a proper security system installed in your home, the chances you’ll be burglarized increases three-fold. But just sticking up a bunch of cameras isn’t going…
Living off-grid is a pretty massive lifestyle change. And there’s very few people who actually choose this life for themselves, because of the challenges you need…
One of the biggest misconceptions about being a survivalist is that your entire life needs to revolve around prepping. It can certainly feel like it at…