Self Defense

Chemical attacks are a controversial topic, despite being an incredibly effective wartime weapon, the long-term effects are catastrophic. Used now primarily by terrorist groups and organized…

When it comes to protecting yourself, having an ample supply of pepper spray will really come in handy. Not only is it a non-lethal form of…

You know what’s funny to me, is the number of “armchair” survivalists who seem to think they’re well equipped for whatever is coming because they’re all…

If you wanted a good reason to get yourself a little more prepared, all you have to do is look back over what’s happened in the…

If there’s one weapon that every survivalist needs in their arsenal, it’s the crossbow. Capable of packing an impressive punch for what’s essentially just a hi-tech…

When most people see a police uniform, they immediately turn compliant. It’s almost ingrained in us to respect their authority and obey their commands, ever since…

When we look back on the year that was, there’s no doubt in my mind 2020 will go down as one of the toughest years in…

There’s no question an out of control riot is a scary thing, the destruction and “mob mentality” of the participants means they’re likely to do anything.…

There’s more to survival than starting a fire or being able to put together a makeshift shelter, and for the millions of patriots living in the…

If you’re trying to stay under the radar or avoid trouble, keeping away from the rioting and protests going on in cities all over the country…

Knock, knock, knock. It’s a sound we’ve all heard, but when there’s someone at your door you need to be sure of who it is before…

As a father with two daughters, I’ve been pretty relaxed about all but one aspect in their life. The need to learn self-defense. It’s non-negotiable for…

Following a devastating bushfire season in Australia, with 18.6 million hectares burnt, 2,779 homes and 34 people losing their lives to the flames, it’s got me…

Lunatics on shooting sprees have unfortunately become a dime a dozen, and everything from schools, religious spaces and even concerts are no longer safe. And that…

Right now, as you read this, there are people’s homes and apartments being broken into. Their most precious possessions taken, while families are terrorized and frightened…

When it comes to being prepared, tactically, there’s no better option than body armor. Not only does it protect your vital organs from shrapnel from say…

I shouldn’t have to tell you about the recent rise in violent crimes, all you have to do is flick on the news and you’ll hear…

The Neighborhood Watch program is an interesting concept, and one I believe important for survivalists to participate in, or perhaps even start, if you’ve not already…

If there’s one thing that’s worse than being shot at, it’s being shot at by a sniper. You don’t know where they are, what they can…

You never know when a situation will go from bad to worse. Late last year I spent the better part of a week at the hospital…

After shows like Doomsday Preppers placed a spotlight on this lifestyle, things just started to snowball. People started sharing crazier and crazier notions of “survival” and…

Our local paintball range just started doing flyer drops, and after we received a bunch I suggested that our team head down there to put our…

I’ve got to admit; knife throwing is just one of those hobbies that looks cool. You simply grab a knife, and with a flick of your…

In light of the recent data breaches at Facebook, I want to communicate a message I’ve been telling my friends and family for a long time.…

When it comes to owning a firearm, what’s most important is the skills of the shooter. An expensive gun in the hands of a novice is…

It’s a good question. You hear a bump in the night and armed with your gun and flashlight head downstairs to investigate. But you need to…

Owning a gun is one thing, but becoming proficient enough to rely on it in a disaster or survival scenario is a whole other story. When…

I’m not one to get scared easily, but home invasions scare me. The thought of someone breaking into your home is bad enough. But once you…

I’m a red-blooded American. I like hunting, and I definitely agree with the right to bear arms. But when it comes to my every-day life, it’s…

When I started getting into survival and preparedness, it was a highly individual thing. I was wanting to make sure I was ready for anything, so…

We’ve all seen Home Alone, right? The neighborhood kid using a variety of booby traps to fight off the naughty burglars. Now me, I actually really…

Walking to your car after work or heading into a parking lot at the mall seems fairly innocent, but it’s during these times you’ve got to…

Now if I’m being completely honest, you could probably call me a gun nut. I’m a regular down at my local range, and I’ve invested more…

According to the FTC almost 9 million Americans have their identities stolen, every single year. Once your personal details are stolen, thieves use your data to…

There’s no doubt in my mind that learning how to protect yourself is one of the best investments you can make towards your survival. Take a…

The world is far more dangerous than you think. Perhaps you’re walking home and suddenly a mugger jumps right up in your face, a jilted lover…

When you’re facing off against an attacker, let’s be honest. Size does matter. If they’re bigger and stronger than you, you’re at a disadvantage from the…

In the United States there are approximately 4.7 million dog attacks every year, of which almost 800,000 require medical attention. But that’s not the worst part.…

It can happen anywhere. Perhaps you’re out at a bar with your friends and a random starts getting in your face, a group you walk past…

It’s a sad fact that our neighborhoods are no longer safe. You just never know when you may find yourself in a dangerous situation. Walking home…

If you’ve ever been a victim, you already know just how quickly everything can go wrong. You’ve got no time to run to your car and…

When you’re facing an attacker who wants to take what you have, there’s one core truth. If you’ve not got the chance to escape, the most…

Where’s so many options when it comes to buying a handgun, it can feel very overwhelming when you’re trying to decide on your first gun. When…

Carrying a firearm is a pain. You’ve got to ensure you’ve always got your ID, avoid the gun-free zones in your city, and disarm appropriately in…